Subscriptions in different currencies
Prevue subscriptions are always shown in US Dollars ($USD), but can be changed to either Australian Dollars ($AUD) or British Pounds (£GBP). Accounts who have made the switch will be charged their local currency every month until they end their subscription.
How to change
Changing your currency is available to any account that does not already have an active subscription. If you have an active subscription and want to change, please get in touch. Choose one of the following options:
US Dollars ($USD, default): Switch to US Dollars
Australian Dollars ($AUD): Switch to Australian Dollars
British Pounds (£GBP): Switch to British Pounds
How are the prices calculated? The local prices shown are based on their relative equivalency to USD, as of December 2017. If you choose a local subscription, you will always be charged the same amount by Prevue every month
Will I be charged a conversion fee? Not by Prevue, no. However if you pay for a subscription that is not in your local currency, your bank may charge you a conversion fee.
Can you offer any other currencies? We can! Please get in touch if you'd like to be charged in a local currency not shown above.
What will show on my receipts? Receipts, available through Billing, will display the local currency which is also denoted in the footer of your statement