Google Analytics setup

Google Analytics integration is part of your Settings, which include other features such as hiding navigation and automatic project protection. To track visits to your projects and images using Google Analytics, you will require a Google Analytics account (sign up) and a Tracking ID.

Getting a Tracking ID

To get a unique Google Analytics Tracking ID, you will need to set up a new website by visiting the 'Admin' section of your Google Analytics account. When you're creating a new site, make sure 'What would you like to track' is set to 'Web Site', and the 'Web Site URL' is set to https://

Once you have set up your account, you'll be presented with your Tracking ID.

In your default settings

Prevue only needs your Tracking ID to link with your Google account, not the entire tracking code. Once you know your ID, head over to your Project Settings and enter the code. It'll look something like UA-4940958-6.

Once you're set up, you'll usually start to see reports within your Google Analytics account within 24 hours.

What pages are tracked?

Your Google Analytics code will be included on every image and project that is visited by anyone other than you — this includes existing images and projects.

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