Email notifications

When a new comment is added to a project, either by you, your team, or your clients —€” an email notification will be instantly sent to the relevant people. Here's who will receive notification emails:

Team members: Anyone who has uploaded images to the project that was commented on will receive a notification email. This is most commonly just one person (you), but if you have a Team account (i.e. if you're on an upgraded plan) then anyone else on your team who has contributed to the project, will also get an email.

Public contributors: Clients (i.e. anyone who doesn't have their own Prevue login) who has already commented on the project, will get notified of any new replies. However, they will only be notified if they've checked the "Email me if there's a reply" option, and haven't since unsubscribed from notification emails (it happens, don't take it personally).

@mentions and subscribers: Any team member who has been looped into the conversation by at-mention (e.g. @buzz) or has subscribed to a project read more.

Do I have to remember all this?

No. When you compose a comment from the Feedback tab in your project, you'll see exactly who will receive your comment underneath the message box. Everyone listed will receive an email once you submit your comment. Simple.

If someone's name isn't on the list above, it's because they've chosen not to receive emails. For those individuals, you'll notice the words 'Opted Out' next to their comment.

What do notifications look like?

The emails that you and your clients receive share the same template (see below). Note that if you use a custom logo in your account, that'll be used in place of the Prevue logo - so your brand continues throughout your clients' experience. More here

The footer of each email will also contain the names of everyone in the conversation —€” this can be useful to see who you're talking to, at a glance.


Team members and admins who don't want to receive email notifications can simply uncheck the option in Profile/Account Settings that says "I'd like to receive email notifications". This may takes up to 5 minutes to take effect. Similarly, clients can unsubscribe instantly by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email they receive. Once unsubscribed from emails, you won't hear from Prevue again :(

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